I came across iRazoo for the first time while reading a seed on Newsvine. This is a new search site that will take on the Yahoos and the Googles of this world.
Now, there are a couple of things. One, you have to register for the site. Two, iRazoo offers rewards! Three, you can recommend Web sites for others to browse. Four, each search Web page result opens up in a separate window and gives a snapshot of that particular page. You, as a user, earn points by searching and/or recommending! Five, all of your recommended Web pages appear at the top of each search page.
However, I do not know what will happen should I recommend over 1,000 pages or more. Would all the recommended pages still appear like that, in some order and carry on running over to the other pages, till my list comes to an end?
In that case, what happens to the search results itself? Will those appear AFTER the recommended Web pages? Or is there some other way iRazoo plans to handle this? I have to check this aspect out a bit more! Hope the search results don’t get buried under the recommended pages.
The rewards are the interesting part. There’s the Apple iPod, an Apple iTunes music card, 1GB USB flash drive, iGB micro SD card, Canon 6-megapixel camera, Sony Cybershot 7.2-megapixel camera, etc.
While you, as a user, would be required to accumulate a certain number of points — all of those are given on the Rewards Center page — you can also add some of those gifts to your wish list.
What I also found interesting is that iRazoo allows you to recommend Web sites and pages. Is this site also taking on the Diggs and the Stumbleupons, and the Del.icio.us(s) of this world as well?
I always thought that it was a good idea if people could actually recommend sites or Web pages, etc., to visit on the other search engine sites. Then, it could save lot of people like me the trouble of looking up certain specific Web sites or pages.
Now, the Diggs, the Stumbleupons and the Del.icio.us(s) came up and made all of this possible. However, iRazoo seems to be the first search engine, which has actually allowed users to recommend Web sites.
iRazoo seems to be a very new site. It also allows you recommend friends and earn points as rewards. Maybe, it’s a novel idea! Maybe, we will see more search sites offer rewards and gifts. However, I sincerely hope that the basic or core strength or characteristic of such sites — the search results itself - do not suffer or get buried under rewards and recommendations.
If iRazoo wants to take on the biggies, it will need to ensure that the search results are good, if not better, than the others. So far, it seems to be taking the right steps. It would be interesting to see what sort of press iRazoo gets in the days ahead.
Fianlly, a look at iRazoo’s Rewards Center. It has the RAZOO Rewards Catalog, My Wish List, Razoo Cart, View Past Orders/History, and My Recommended Sites.
Well, do take a look at iRazoo!